Digilytics RevUP for Auto Aftermarket is an AI-enabled growth management product built on the Digilytics™ platform.
It leverages the AI capabilities of Digilytics™ platform to provide improved granular revenue visibility management, better channel promotion management and increased engagement with influencers.

Easy to use

Quick to

Secure, scalable

Best in class user experience

Built on the most advanced AI technology

RevUP for auto aftermarket improves the revenue growth, return on investment and effectiveness of savings on promotion spend

AI Technology for Automotive Aftermarket Companies

  • Automotive aftermarket companies can boost revenue growth by up to 10x with AI-powered precision revenue growth management software - RevUP
  • Optimize your aftermarket revenue with software that analyses your customer data and provides you with the richest insights and recommendations.
  • Get a personalised revenue growth plan for automotive aftermarket companies
  • Get a plan created by our revenue growth experts, and follow it step by step to grow your revenue by 5%-10%.
  • Revenue Growth Management for automotive aftermarket companies
  • RevUP by Digilytics is a precision revenue growth management SaaS product that uses AI to boost growth in the aftermarket through pinpointed sales and revenue growth opportunities.
  • Automotive Aftermarket Growth Software
  • 5%-10% revenue growth, 7 x-10 x return on investment, pay as you benefit.
  • Accurately forecast revenue growth from marketing spend
  • Our revenue growth prediction engine uses machine learning to accurately forecast growth from marketing spend.
  • Optimize your aftermarket revenue with software that analyses your customer data and provides you with the richest insights and recommendations.
  • Modules

    AI-enabled Review-Understand-Recommend-Act (RURA) cycles

    Critical Alerts and Crowd Sourced Insights

    AI-enabled Intelligent Virtual Assistant “Osler”

    AI-enabled Trade Promotion Management

    AI-enabled Promotion Simulator

    AI-enabled Promotion Optimizer

    Digitally onboard and engage purchase influencers

    Drive “pull-demand” from influencers

    Setup influencers’ pre and post purchase journey

    Increase in Sales

    Inventory Reduction

    Profit Improvement

    Digilytics RevUP bolts-on to existing sales execution systems in real-time and hashes with external digitized data


    for Auto Aftermarket

    RevUp Auto Aftermarket

    Our Partners