
Key Takeaways from the Webinar on Intelligent Affordability Services

Key Takeaways from the Webinar on Intelligent Affordability Services

Last week Digilytics AI concluded its webinar series on Intelligent Affordability Services. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Thanks to all the panellists for adding richness to the conversation.

This blog covers some of the key topics of discussion in the webinar.

Key Challenges in conducting Affordability Assessments

  • What is the state of Affordability calculations today across?

  • In this clip, David speaks about some of the key challenges in the mortgage sector (Residential, Commercial, BTL) in calculating affordability assessments.
  • Emma here speaks about the key affordability challenges for consumer industry (secured & unsecured lending). 
  • Madhav speaks about the SME sector, and state of affordability calculations across SME’s (MCA, Term Loans, and Invoice Finance)

How has the pandemic impacted Affordability?

  • Emma speaks about how income and expenditure calculation has been impacted?
  • David talks about the likely trends over the next 2 years, and the way forward.  
  • Madhav talks about how the pandemic has impacted the affordability services

Intelligent Affordability Service (IAS) – Need, Application & Trends

  • Madhav on how intelligent affordability service has helped Decimal Factor in improving the key metrics across the SME sector.
  • Emma highlights some of the key features of IAS and barriers to adopting IAS. 
  • David talks about some of the latest applications and advancements in the field of IAS.

Register here to watch on-demand session now

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